List of groups referred to as cults or sects in government documents

The application of the labels (cults or sects) to religious movements in government documents signifies the popular and negative use of the term "cult" in English and a functionally similar use of words translated as "sect" in several European languages.[1][2] Government reports which have used these words include recent reports from Austria,[3] Belgium,[4] Canada,[5] France[6] (in 1995), Germany,[7] and the United States.[8] While these documents utilize similar terminology they do not necessarily include the same groups nor is their assessment of these groups based on agreed criteria.[1][2] Other governments and world bodies also report on new religious movements but do not use these terms to describe the groups.[1]



Within Australia, the Parliament of New South Wales referred to Kenja Communication as a cult on November 24, 1992.[9]


Federal Ministry of the Environment, Youth and the Family (1996)

According to the United States Department of State's International Religious Freedom Report 2006, as released by the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor[3] "the vast majority" of groups termed "sects" by the government of Austria comprise small organizations with fewer than 100 members. Larger groups include the Church of Scientology and the Unification Church.

The report states that other groups termed "sects" by the Austrian government include the Divine Light Mission, Eckankar, Hare Krishna, Holosophic community, Osho movement, Sahaja Yoga, Sai Baba, Sri Chinmoy, Transcendental Meditation, Landmark Education, Center for Experimental Society Formation, Fiat Lux, Universal Life, and The Family. The United States Department of State had similar sections in its International Religious Freedom Report on Austria, in 1999,[10] 2000,[11] 2002,[12] 2003,[13] 2004[14] and 2005.[15]


Parliamentary Inquiry Commission (1997)

The Justice Commission of the Belgian House of Representatives set up a parliamentary inquiry commission to work out a policy against cults. On April 28, 1997, the parliamentary commission issued its 670-page report[4] that contained a list of 189 movements, and stated that "[t]he fact that a movement is listed here, even if at the instigation of an official instance, does not signify that the Commission regards it as a cult". The parliament failed to adopt the report as such and only voted to accept the conclusions and recommendations (19 pages), and not the list. Despite the lack of adoption of the list, the commission published the whole report, including the list.[16] According to Human Rights Without Frontiers International, a Brussels Appeals Court in 2005 condemned the Belgian House of Representatives on the grounds that it had damaged the image of an organization (the Universal Church of God's Kingdom) listed in the 1997 parliamentary inquiry commission on sects.[17]

The Belgian list of groups (French-language naming or primary naming, with numbering as in the original document):

  • 1. Aba Vangh
  • 2. Abrasax (Institut)
  • 3. Action Évangelique de Pentecôte (AEP) [Evangelical Action of Pentecost]
  • 4. Adventistes du 7e Jour [Seventh-day Adventists]
  • 5. Amish
  • 6. Ananda Marga
  • 7. Ange Albert (Glaube und Hoffnung) [Angel Albert (Belief and Hope)]
  • 8. Anthroposophie (Société Anthroposophique en Belgique) [Anthroposophy (Anthroposophical Society in Belgium)]
  • 9. Antoinisme (culte antoiniste)
  • 10. Aoum [Aum Shinrikyo]
  • 11. Assemblée Viens et Vois [Come and See Assembly]
  • 12. Assemblées de Dieu [Assemblies of God]
  • 13. Association Centre Saint-Michel A.S.B.L. [Saint Michael Centre Association (asbl)]
  • 14. Association (du Saint-Esprit) pour l'Unification du Christianisme mondial (Moon) [The Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity (Sun Myung Moon)]
  • 15. Association Égoïque [Ego Association]
  • 16. Association Internationale pour la Conscience de Krishna (AICK ou ISKCON) [International Society for Krishna Consciousness or ISKCON)]
  • 17. Association Maître Supreme Ching Hai [Association of the Supreme Master Ching Hai]
  • 18. Atlantide ou Ambassade de la Paix [Atlantid or Embassy of Peace]
  • 19. Au Cœur de la Communication (ACC) [At the Heart of Communication]
  • 20. Auram
  • 21. Axe Holistique [Holistic Axis]
  • 22. Baha'ie (La Foi Mondiale) [Bahá'í (the World Faith)]
  • 23. Ban Thai Laos
  • 24. Bhagwan (ou mouvement Neo Samyas) [Bhagwan (or Neo Samyas movement)]
  • 25. Brahma Kumaris
  • 26. Broeder Gregorius [Brother Gregory]
  • 27. Caillou (La communauté du) ou les «Jeudis du Caillou» ou «La Communauté de la Cité»
  • 28. Calvary Christian Center
  • 29. Capital Worship Center
  • 30. Église céleste du Christ ou Église du Christianisme céleste [Celestial Church of Christ]
  • 31. Centre Paradigme [Paradigm Center]
  • 32. Centrum «De Reiziger» ["De Reiziger" Center]
  • 33. Chevaliers du Lotus d'Or (Mandarom) (Association du Vajra triomphant) [Knights of the Golden Lotus (Mandarom) (Triumphant Vajra Association)]
  • 34. Christian Church
  • 35. Church Universal and Triumphant
  • 36. Clier A.S.B.L. [Clier asbl]
  • 37. Compagnie Chevaleresque de Saint-Michel [Knightly Association of Saint Michael]
  • 38. Contre-Reforme Catholique (ligue de) [The League for Catholic Counter-Reformation (CRC)]
  • 39. CORAEN (Centrum voor de Opsporing, Registratie en Analyse van Elfennesten)
  • Cor Unum (see Ordre du Divin Sacré Coeur)
  • 40. Coven Thot [Thot Coven]
  • 41. Cristal A.S.B.L.[Crystal asbl]
  • 42. De Ark [The Ark]
  • 43. De Geestelijke Kracht [Spiritual Power]
  • 44. De Groep (un psychologue) [The group (a psychologist)]
  • 45. Deva-Light
  • 46. Dynarsis Institute
  • 47. EBS – De Werter Loge
  • 48. ECK (Energo-Chromo-Kinese) ou Énergo 8 internationale [ECK (Energo-chromo-kinetics) or Energo 8 International]
  • 49. École de Philosophie [School of Philosophy]
  • 50. Ecoovie
  • 51. Église Catholique Apostolique Gallicane Traditionnelle [Traditional Gallican Apostolic Catholic Church]
  • 52. Église de Jésus-Christ des Saints des Derniers Jours (Mormons) [The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons)]
  • 53. Église de la Pentecôte Bethel [Church of the Bethel Pentecost]
  • 54. Église de Scientologie [Church of Scientology]
  • 55. Église du Christ de Bruxelles (dépendant de l'Eglise du Christ de Boston) [Brussels Church of Christ (subsidiary of the Boston Church of Christ ]
  • 56. Église Évangélique Libre [Free Evangelical Church]
  • 57. Église Gnostique Lucifer Christ [Lucifer Christ Gnostic Church]
  • 58. Église Internationale du Christ [International Churches of Christ]
  • 59. Église Jésus-Christ de Vérité [Jesus Christ Church of Truth]
  • 60. Église Néoapostolique [New Apostolic Church]
  • 61. Église Universelle de Dieu (Eglise Mondiale du Christ) [Universal Church of God (Worldwide Church of Christ)]
  • 62. Église Universelle du Royaume de Dieu [Universal Church of the Kingdom of God]
  • 63. Élégance Continentale [Continental Elegance]
  • 64. Elewout Centrum [Elewout Center]
  • 65. Emin Foundation (originally "Church of Eminent Way")
  • 66. Énergie Humaine et Universelle (HUE): Institut Européen de Recherche de l'Énergie Humaine et Universelle IEREHU) [Human and Universal Energy (HUE): European Research Institute for Human and Universal Energy IEREHU]
  • 67. Evangelische Christenen [Evangelical Christians]
  • 68. Éveil de la Conscience [Waking of the Conscience]
  • 69. Ex Deo Nascimur [From God we are born]
  • 70. Fédération et Union Spirites Belges [Belgian Spirits Federation and Union]
  • 71. Fellowship Friends Renaissance
  • 72. Filiation Solazaref
  • 73. Fraternité Blanche Universelle (FBU) [ Universal White Brotherhood; compare Great White Brotherhood ]
  • 74. Friends Of Edo (F of E)
  • 75. Gemeente van Christus [Parish of Christ]
  • 76. God's River Ministries
  • 77. Groep ter Verering van de Wenende Madonna van Bohan [Group for Honoring the Weeping Madonna of Bohan]
  • 78. Groupe de Recherche et de Fondation en Analyse Existentielle [Research and Training Group in Existential Analysis]
  • 79. Het Gereformeerde Evangelisatie Centrum Essen [The Essen Reformed Evangelization Center]
  • 80. Het Werk (L'Oeuvre) [The Work]
  • 81. Het Zwarte Licht [The Black Light]
  • 82. Horus
  • 83. Humana
  • 84. I Am
  • 85. Iatrosophie [Iatrosophy]
  • 86. INDIP (Institut de développement et d'intégration de la personne) (centre primal) [INDIP (Institute for the Development and Integration of the personality) (primary centre)]
  • 87. Insight Benelux (intermédiaire de Insight Educational Institute, en Californie) [Insight Benelux (associated with Insight Educational Institute, in California)]
  • 88. Institut Gnostique d'Anthropologie (IGA) [Gnostic Institute of Anthropology (IGA)]
  • 89. Institut Gurdjieff [The Gurdjieff Foundation]
  • 90. Institut Yeuntenling A.S.B.L./Tibetaans Instituut V.Z.W. (Karma Sonam Gyamtso Ling)
  • 91. Ishtar
  • 92. IVI (Invitation à la vie intense) [IVI (Invitation to Intense Life)]
  • 93. Jain Association
  • 94. Jiddu Krisna Murti
  • 95. Kapel van het Allerheiligste Sacrament [Chapel of the Most Holy Sacrament]
  • 96. Katalys A.S.B.L. [Katalys asbl]
  • 97. Kreative Energie [Creative Energy]
  • 98. Kripalu Yoga
  • 99. La Famille ou Association des communautés missionnaires chrétiennes indépendantes [ The Family or Association of Independent Christian Missionary Communities]
  • 100. La Licorne de Jade [The Jade Unicorn]
  • 101. La Lunaire [The Lunary]
  • 102. La Paideutique
  • 103. La Parole de Jésus [The Word of Jesus]
  • 104. La Ramonette
  • 105. La Voie de la Lumière [The Way of Light]
  • 106. Landmark Education
  • 107. Le Hêtre
  • 108. Le Mantra d'Hasom [The Mantra of Hasom]
  • 109. Le Patriarche [The Patriarch]
  • 110. Le Rassemblement Europeen Ouvriers du Christ [The Workers of Christ European Rally]
  • 111. Les Adorateurs du Nombril du Soleil [Worshippers of the Navel of the Sun]
  • 112. Les Alchimistes [The Alchemists]
  • 113. Les Amis de l'Homme (à l'origine «L'Ange de l'Eternel») [The Friends of Man (originally "The Angel of the Eternal")]
  • 114. Les Assemblées des Frères Darbystes
  • 115. Les Croix de la Nouvelle Babylone [The Crosses of the New Babylon]
  • 116. Les Matsya A.S.B.L.
  • 117. Loge Noire [Black Lodge]
  • 118. Longo-Mai
  • 119. Maitreya (BAHA)
  • 120. Meditation Transcendentale [Transcendental Meditation]
  • 121. Messias Concern [Messiah Concern]
  • 122. Miroir Solaire [Mirror of the Sun]
  • 123. Mission d'Arès [Ares Mission]
  • 124. Mouvement du Graal [Grail Movement]
  • 125. Mouvement Humaniste (Le Mouvement) [Humanist Movement (The Movement)]
  • 126. Mouvement Raëlien Belge [Belgian Raelian Movement]
  • 127. Nació dos Muchachos [Nation of Guys]
  • 128. Noire Eau [Black Water]
  • 129. Nouvelle Acropole [New Acropolis]
  • 130. Oasis of Mellie Uyldertstichting [Oasis of Mellie Uyldert Foundation]
  • 131. Ogyen Kunzang Chöling (OKC)
  • 132. Opstal
  • 133. Opus Dei
  • 134. Ordre de la Pleine Lune [Order of the Full Moon]
  • 135. Ordre de la Rose-Croix [ Order of the Rose Cross ]
  • 136. Ordre des Chevaliers du Temple, du Christ et de Notre-Dame (OCTCND) ou Fraternité Johannite pour la résurgence templière [Order of Knights of the Temple, of Christ and of Our Lady (OCTCND) or Johannite Fraternity for Templar Renewal]
  • 137. Ordre du Divin Sacré Cœur (Cor Unum) [Order of the Divine Sacred Heart (Cor Unum)]
  • 138. Ordre du Temple Solaire [Order of the Solar Temple]
  • 139. Ordre Vert Druidique et de la Fraternité du Soleil Celtique [Druidic Green Order and Order of the Fraternity of the Celtic Sun]
  • 140. OSMTH/OSMTJ (Ordre Souverain et Militaire du Temple de Jérusalem) [OSMTH/SMOTJ: Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem]
  • 141. Paramahansa Yogananda
  • 142. Payot Marie Blanche
  • 143. Pere Samuel [Father Samuel]
  • 144. Pluk De Dag (Centrum der Duizend Zonnen) [Seize the Day (Centre of the Twelve Suns)]
  • 145. Power
  • 146. Quadratoquintillia
  • 147. Religieus Genootschap der Vrienden Quakers [Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)]
  • 148. Renouveau Charismatique [Charismatic Renewal]
  • 149. Sahaja Yoga
  • 150. Satansekte [Satan cults]
  • 151. Sathya Sai Baba
  • 152. Savoir pour Être [Know in order to Be]
  • 153. Selfrealisation Fellowship [ Self-Realization Fellowship ]
  • 154. Servanta
  • 155. Shin Boedhisme (Jodo Shinso) [Shin Buddhism Jodo Shinshu)]
  • 156. Shri Ram Chandra Mission
  • 157. Siddha Shiva Yoga [Siddha Yoga]
  • 158. Sierra 21
  • 159. Sint Egidiusgemeenschap [Community of Sant'Egidio | The Community of Saint Giles]
  • 160. Soefi Beweging [ Sufi movement ]
  • 161. Soka Gakkai
  • 162. Ster van David (Huis Maria van Bethlehem) [Star of David (Mary of Bethlehem House)]
  • 163. Stromen van Kracht [Streams of Power]
  • 164. Sûkyô Mahikari
  • 165. Summit Light House
  • 166. Sunnatarem Belgium Natural Dubdist Meditation Center
  • 167. Szatmar
  • 168. T'ai chi
  • 169. Tao Yoga
  • 170. Teblig
  • 171. Témoins de Jehovah [ Jehovah's Witnesses ]
  • 172. Terre d'Enneille
  • 173. The Elijah Mohammed Foundation
  • 174. Theosofie V.Z.W. (Geüniëerde loge van Theosofen) [ Theosophy non-profit organization (United Lodge of Theosophists)]
  • 175. Theravada
  • 176. Trans-Mutations
  • 177. Trois Saints Cœurs [The Three Holy Hearts]
  • 178. Vahali (I Am)
  • 179. Thérapeute Yvo Van Orshoven (A.S.B.L. Esse) [The therapist Yvo Van Orshoven (Esse non-profit organisation)]
  • 180. Verbond van Vlaamse Pinkstergemeenten [Union of Flemish Pentecostal Churhes]
  • 181. Vibration Cœur [Vibrating Heart]
  • 182. Vrij Evangelische Kerkgemeente [Free Evangelical Church Community]
  • 183. Wat Asokaran [Wat Asokaram]
  • 184. World Federation For Spiritual Healing
  • 185. Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA)
  • 186. YSS [ Yogoda Satsanga Society of India ]
  • 187. Zen
  • 188. Zida Yoga
  • 189. Zwarte Madonna - Satanskerk [Black Madonna - Church of Satan]


Canadian Security Intelligence Service (1999)

A Canadian Security Intelligence Service report of 1999 discussed "Doomsday Religious Movements espousing hostile beliefs and having the potential to be violent.."[5] Groups classified as "Doomsday Religious Movements"[5] included:

The report referred to Aum Shinrikyo at one point as the "Aum cult".[5]


In 1995, a parliamentary commission of the National Assembly of France on cults produced its report[6] (in French: compare an unofficial English translation). The report included a list of purported cults compiled by the general information division of the French National Police (Renseignements généraux — a French police service) in association with cult-watching groups.

In May 2005 the then Prime Minister of France, in a circulaire[18] (which stressed that the government must exercise vigilance in continuing the fight against the cult-phenomenon,[18] said that the list of movements attached to the Parliamentary Report of 1995 had become less pertinent, based on the observation that many small groups had formed: scattered, more mobile, and less-easily identifiable,[18] and that the government needed to balance its fight against cults with respect for public freedoms and laïcité (secularism).[18] The Prime Minister asked his civil servants to update a number of ministerial instructions issued by previous commissions, to apply criteria set in consultation with the Interministerial Commission for Monitoring and Combating Cultic Deviances (MIVILUDES), and to avoid falling back solely on lists of groups for the identification of cultic deviances.

Subsequent French parliamentary commissions on cults reported on specific aspects of cult activity in 1999[19] and in 2006.[20]

French parliamentary commission report (1995)

Opinion in France varies as to the applicability of the 1995 Parliamentary report. A provincial court case noted that all such Parliamentary reports have no juridicial impact.[21] And as stated above, a Prime Ministerial circulaire warned that name-changes had reduced the usefulness of this particular Parliamentary report.[18]

  • ALPHA Cultural Association (Association Culturelle ALPHA) 1977
  • ANTHROPOS – Association for Research on the Holistic Development of Man (ANTHROPOS - Association pour la recherche sur le développement holistique de l'homme)
  • Antoinist Worship (Culte Antoiniste)
  • Apostolic Order – Therapeutic Healing Environment (Ordre apostolique - Therapeutic healing environment)
  • Association for Defence of Freedom of Expression in the French Institution (ADLEIF) (Association de défense des libertés d'expression dans l'institution française (ADLEIF))
  • Association for Promotion of the Industrial Arts (APPAI) (Association pour la promotion des arts industrieux (APPAI))
  • Association for the Research and Study of Survival (APRES) (Association pour la recherche et l'étude de la survivance (APRES))
  • Association for Unification of Christianity Worldwide (Association pour l'unification du christianisme mondial)
  • Association of Meditation in France (Association de méditation en France)
  • Azazel Institute Inc. (AZAZEL INSTITUTE INC)
  • Be-Exist-Energetics (Etre-Exister-Energètique)
  • Butcheries Community (Communauté Les boucheries)
  • Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (Université spirituelle internationale des Brahma Kumaris)[22]
  • CEDIPAC SA (formerly GEPM) (CEDIPAC SA (ex-GEPM)
  • Centre for Mahatayana Meditation (Centre de méditation Mahatayana)
  • Centre for the Blossoming and Aid of Francis de Sales (Centre d'épanouissement et aide François de Sales)
  • Centre of Dalmatie Therapy (Centre de thérapie Dalmatie)
  • Centre of Gnostic Studies (Centre d'Etudes Gnostiques)
  • Centre of Human Development (Centre de développement humain)
  • Centre of the Djivana Prana Swan – Source of Life (Centre du cygne Djivana Prana - Source de vie)
  • Christian Life in France – Centre of Christian Life (Vie chrétienne en France - Centre de vie chrétienne)
  • Church of Paris (L'Église à Paris)
  • Church of Scientology of Paris (Église de Scientologie de Paris)
  • Communion of Satonnay (Communion de Satonnay)
  • Community for the propagation of the universal life (Communauté pour la propagation de la vie universelle)
  • Community of the Little Brothers and Little Sisters of the Sacred Heart (Communauté des petits frères et des petites sœurs du Sacré-coeur)
  • Contact, Information and Resource Centre for the Prevention of Cancer (Centre de documentation et d'information et de contact pour la prévention du cancer)
  • Cosmicia
  • Cosmos - Intuition – Wings (Cosmos - Intuition – Ailes)
  • Cross Ones of the New Babylon (Les croisés de la nouvelle Babylone)
  • Cultural office of Cluny – National Federation of Total Animation (Office culturel de Cluny - Fédération nationale d'animation globale)
  • Cultural Space Being Now (ECEM) (Espace culturel Etre maintenant (ECEM))
  • Dakpo Shampa Kadgyu
  • Domain of Ephesus (Domaine d'Ephèse)
  • Eckankar France (Eckankar France)
  • Eija
  • El – Be Its Body (El - Etre son corps)
  • Emissaries of the Divine Light
  • Energy and Creation – Energy and Creativity (Energie et création - Energie et créativité)
  • Energy world (Energy world)
  • Evangelical Pentecostal Church of Besançon (Eglise évangélique de Pentecôte de Besançon)
  • Faculty of Parapsychology (Faculté de parapsychologie)
  • Family of Nazareth (Famille de Nazareth)
  • Foundation Elan vital (Fondation Elan vital)
  • French Federation for Krishna Consciousness (Fédération française pour la conscience de Krishna)
  • French Raëlian Movement (Mouvement Raëlien français)
  • Friends of Mary – Poor Ones of Mary (Les amis de Marie - Les pauvres de Marie)
  • Friends of the Glorious Cross of Dozule (Amis de la croix glorieuse de Dozule)
  • Friends of the St. Andréas Brotherhood (Les amis de la confrérie Saint-Andréas)
  • Gardens of Life (Les jardins de la vie)
  • Gilded Light (Lumière dorée)
  • Grail Movement in France (Mouvement du Graal en France)
  • Grand Lodge Sovereign International Magic and Theurgic, Egyptian Rite – Cagliostro (Grande loge souveraine internationale magique et theurgique de rite égyptien - Cagliostro)
  • Haidyakhan Spiritual Association (Association spirituelle d'Haiyakhan)
  • Hermitage of Christ of Peace (Ermitage du Christ de la paix)
  • Holistic Harmony (Harmonie holistique)
  • Holosophic Society of France (Société holosophique de France)
  • House of John (La maison de Jean)
  • Human and Universal Energy France – HUE France (Energie humaine et universelle France - HUE France)
  • Humana France – TVIND (Humana France - TVIND)
  • Humanist Movement (Mouvement humaniste)
  • Iesu no mitama kyokai (Church of the Holy Spirit of Jesus) (Iesu no mitama kyokai (Eglise du Saint Esprit de Jésus))
  • Imagine
  • Initiatory Circle of the Western Wicca Unicorn (Cercle initiatique de la licorne Wicca occidentale)
  • Insight seminars – Innergy
  • Institute of Holistic Sciences of the West (Institut des sciences holistiques de l'Ouest)
  • Institute of Physical and Conscious Research (Institut de recherche physique et conscience)
  • Institute of Psychoanalytic Research (Institut de recherches psychanalytiques)
  • Institute of the Vedic Maharashi Science in Paris – C.P.M. – Club for Meditators ("Transcendental Meditation") (Institut de science vedique maharishi Paris - C.P.M. - Club pour méditants ( " Méditation transcendentale " ))
  • International Center of Parapsychology and the Scientific Research of the New Age (Centre international de parapsychologie et de recherche scientifique du Nouvel Age)
  • International Churches of Christ in France (Eglises du Christ international en France)
  • International Division Communication (Partage international communication)
  • International Federation for the Development of the Instinctive Feeding (FIDALI) (Fédération internationale pour le développement de l'alimentation instinctive (FIDALI))
  • International Society of the Analytical Trilogy (Société internationale de trilogie analytique -sarl-)
  • International Way (La voie internationale)
  • Invitation to the Intense Life (Invitation à la vie intense)
  • Jehovah's Witnesses (Témoins de Jéhovah)
  • Key of the Universe (Clé de l'univers)
  • Khristic Church of the New Jerusalem Order of Raolf, Arnold and Osmond (Eglise Khristique de la Jérusalem Nouvelle ordre de Raolf, d'Arnold et d'Osmond)
  • Knights of the Gold Lotus (Chevaliers du Lotus d'or)
  • Knowing how to Change Now (Savoir changer maintenant)
  • Kofuku no kagaku (Institute for Research of Happiness of Man) (Kofuku no kagaku (institut pour la recherche du bonheur de l'homme))
  • Landmark Education International/The Forum (Landmark education international - Le forum)
  • Lectorium Rosicrucianum (Gold Rosicrucian Brotherhood) (Lectorium rosicrucianum (Rose-Croix d'or))
  • Leisure and Health - The Body Mirror (Loisirs et santé - Le corps miroir)
  • Light of Maat (Lumière du Maat)
  • Lucien J. Engelmajet Association (Association Lucien J. Engelmajet)
  • MAEV
  • Maha Shakti Mandir
  • Mandala 33
  • Mary's Arch (Arche de Marie)
  • Methodical Ontology Culture and Tradition (Ontologie méthodique culture et tradition)
  • Mission Swmi Atmananda Atma Bodha Satsanga (Mission Swmi Atmananda Atma Bodha Satsanga)
  • Monastic Order of Avalon (Ordre monastique d'Avallon)
  • Natale Institute (Institut Frank Natale)
  • Neo-Apostolic Church of France (Eglise néo-apostolique de France)
  • New Acropolis Association of France (ANAF) (Association Nouvelle Acropole France (ANAF))
  • New Era (La nouvelle ère)
  • Notre Dame Fraternity (Fraternité Notre Dame)
  • Ogyen Kunzang Choling
  • Order of Scientific Scribes and Initiatory Mysteries (Ordonnance des scribes scientifiques et des mystères initiatiques)
  • Order of the Burning Grail (Ordre du Graal ardent)
  • Order of the Knights of France and of the Holy Trinity (Ordre des chevaliers de France et de la Trinité Sainte)
  • Order of the Lily and the Eagle (Ordre du lys et de l'aigle)
  • Order of the Universal Temple (Ordre du temple universel)
  • Ordo Templi Orientis
  • OSHO Information Centre (Centre d'information OSHO)
  • Oxygen Comets – The Mill of the Sun (Comètes oxygènes - Le moulin du soleil)
  • Oxyon 777 (ex-Harmonia) (Oxyon 777 (ex-Harmonia))
  • Paris Dharma Sah – Lotus Sangha of European Social Buddhism (Paris Dharma Sah - Lotus Sangha of European social buddhism)
  • Philosopher of Nature (Philosophe de la nature)
  • Philosophic Church of Lucifer (Eglise philosophique Luciférienne)
  • Prelude to the Golden Age Club (Club prélude à l'Age d'or)
  • Psychanimie Institute (Institut de psychanimie)
  • Queen of Peace – Order of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and of Saint Louis de Montfort (Reine de la paix - Ordre du coeur immaculé de Marie et de Saint Louis de Montfort)
  • Raphaël Centre of Psychic Applications (Centre d'applications psychiques "Raphaël")
  • Red Concept Limited (Red concept limited)
  • Reiyukai
  • Renovated Order of the Temple (ORT) (Ordre rénové du Temple (ORT))
  • Revelation of the 7th Hour (Révélation de la 7ème heure)
  • Right of Survival Association (Association Le Droit de survie)
  • Rosicrucians
  • Saint Bani (Saint Bani)
  • Saman
  • Sanctuary
  • School for Preparation for Extraterrestrial Evacuation (Ecole de la préparation de l'évacuation extra terrestre)
  • School of Essentialism Association (Association de soutien à l'oeuvre de Sundari - L'Ecole de l'essentialisme)
  • Science of Mind (La science du mental)
  • Seimeikyo Europe (Seimeikyo Europe)
  • Shinji Shumeikai France (Shinji Shumeikai France)
  • Shri Ram Chandra Mission France (Shri Ram Chandra Mission France)
  • Siderella
  • Silva Method Mind Control (Méthode Sylva de contrôle mental)
  • Sister Rasta Movement (Sister mouvement rasta)
  • Soka Gakkai International France (Soka Gakkai internationale France)
  • Spiritual Emergence Network France – Holotropic Breathing (Spiritual Emergence Network France - Respiration holotropique)
  • Sri Chinmoy Association of Paris (Association Sri Chinmoy de Paris)
  • St. Germain Foundation (Fondation Saint-germain)
  • St. Preux Institute (Institut de Saint-Preux)
  • Star's Edge International – Avatar Method (Star's edge international - Méthode Avatar)
  • Study, Tradition and Research in Energetics (E.T.R.E.) (Etude tradition et recherche en énergétique (E.T.R.E.))
  • Subud Association of France – Susila Dharma France (Association Subud de France - Susila Dharma France)
  • Suicide of the River Banks (Le suicide des rives)
  • Sukyo Mahikari – Light of Truth (Sukyo Mahikari - Lumière de vérité)
  • Supermen Club (Le club des surhommes)
  • Supreme Paravidya Wisdom (Paravidya sagesse suprême)
  • Teaching and Therapy of Evolutionary Search (Enseignement et thérapie de recherches évolutives)
  • The Eye Opens (L'oeil s'ouvre)
  • The Family (formerly "Children of God") (La Famille (ex-Enfants de Dieu))
  • The Grand Lodge (Le grand logis)
  • The Paraclete Centre (Centre du Paraclet)
  • Thébaide Community (Communauté de la Thébaide)
  • Theological Institute of Nîmes (Institut théologique de Nîmes)
  • Timothy Mission (Mission Timothée)
  • Tradition Family Property (Tradition Famille Propriété)
  • Trans-Mutations (Trans-mutations)
  • Tree in the Environment (L'arbre au milieu)
  • Union of Sri Sathya Sai Associations, Centres and Groups (Union des associations centres et groupes Sri Sathya Sai)
  • Universal Alliance (Alliance universelle)
  • Universal Church of God (Eglise universelle de Dieu)
  • Universal Church of God's Kingdom (Eglise universelle du royaume de Dieu)
  • Universal White Brotherhood (Fraternité blanche universelle)
  • Venture
  • Village of Aquarius (Le village du verseau)
  • Vishwa Nirmala Dharma – Sahaja Yoga (Viswa Nirmala Dharma - Sahaja Yoga)
  • Vital Harmony SA (Vital Harmony SA)
  • Viveka
  • Vo Vi Association of France – Friends of the Science of Non-being of France (Association Vo Vi de France - Amis de la Science du non être de France)
  • Way of Light (Unity of Research Projects for the Evolution of Light) (La voie de la lumière (unité de recherches pour l'évolution de la lumière))
  • Word of Faith – World Evangelisation (La parole de foi - Evangélisation mondiale)

French parliamentary commission report (1999)

The French Parliamentary report of 1999 on cults and money[23] concentrated its attention on some 30 groups which it judged as major players in respect of their financial influence.[24] It underlined the non-exhaustive character of its investigations, seeing them as a snapshot at a point in time and based on informatiion available.[25]

The groups examined included:[23][24]


Berlin Senate report (1997)

An official report of a Senate Committee of the city and state of Berlin in Germany listed and discussed cults (German: Sekten), emphasizing with its sub-title their categorization as "entities espousing a world view and new religions". The 1997 Berlin Senate report — entitled Cults: Risks and Side-effects: Information on selected new religious and world-view espousing Movements and Psycho-offerings[7] — subdivided "selected suppliers" (ausgewählte Anbieter) of its objects of interest as:

  • 7.1: Groups with a Christian background (Gruppen mit christlichem Hintergrund)
    • 7.1.1 Fiat Lux
    • 7.1.2 Parish on the Road Evangelical Free Church (registered association) (Gemeinde auf dem Weg Evangelische Freikirche e.V)
    • 7.1.3 Parish of Jesus Christ (registered association) Boston Church of Christ (Gemeinde Jesu Christi e.V. (Boston Church of Christ))
    • 7.1.4 Universal Life (Re-gathering of Jesus Christ) (Universelles Leben (Heimholungswerk Jesu Christi/HHW))
    • 7.1.5 Unification Church (Moon movement) (Vereinigungskirche (Mun-Bewegung))
  • 7.2 Groups with a pagan background (Gruppen mit heidnischem Hintergrund)
    • 7.2.1 Teutonic Belief Association (registered association) (Germanische Glaubengemeinschaft e.V. (GGG))
    • 7.2.2 Pagan Association (registered association) (Heidnische Gemeinschaft e.V. (HG))
  • 7.3 Groups with a Hinduistic background (Gruppen mit hinduistischem Hintergrund)
  • 7.4 Suppliers of Life-Help (Anbieter von Lebenshilfe)
    • commercial: (kommerziell:)
    • 7.4.1 The Circle of Friends of Bruno Gröning (Bruno Gröning-Freundeskreise)
    • 7.4.2 Context Seminar Company Limited (Kontext Seminar GmbH)
    • 7.4.3 Landmark Education (LE) (Landmark Education (LE))
    • 7.4.4 Art Reade
    • 7.4.5 Scientology
    • 7.4.6 The Natale Institute (TNI)
    • non-commercial: (nicht kommerziell:)
    • 7.4.7 Union for the Enhancement of the psychological Knowledge of Mankind (Verein zur Förderung der psychologischen Menschenkenntnis (VPM))
  • 7.5 Occultism/Satanism (Okkultismus/Satanismus)
  • 7.6 So-called Multi-level Marketers (Sogenannte Strukturvertriebe)

The current (2002) Senate report (published as risiken_und_nebenwirkungen2.pdf), which bears the title-page Alles Sekte—oder was?, does not contain such a list: its structure and title differ thoroughly from the 1997 report.[26] The list appeared in the Senate report of 1997, which bore the title-page: Sekten: Risiken und Nebenwirkungen.

United States

Committee on Government Reform (August 1999)

Suspect Organizations and Individuals Possessing Long-Range Fifty Caliber Sniper Weapons

A report to the United States House of Representatives, Section VI is entitled "Montana Doomsday Religious Cult - "Church Universal and Triumphant".

Project Megiddo (October 1999)

Project Megiddo consisted of an FBI analysis, with a report released on October 20, 1999.[28] The report warned against: "the potential for extremist criminal activity in the United States by individuals or domestic groups who attach special significance to the year 2000."[28] Its analysis focused on apocalyptic religious groups, doomsday cults and (New World Order) conspiracy theories.

The report discussed the potential for violence in groups that it called "biblically-driven cults" [29]

The report then went on to warn that "less time spent on "Bible study" and more time spent on "physical training" - indicate that the cult may be preparing for some type of action."[28] Groups singled out and analyzed in the report under the heading "Apocalyptic Cults" included the Branch Davidians and the Concerned Christians.[28] The International Asatru-Odinic Alliance accused the FBI of violating its First Amendment rights to freedom of religion, free speech, and peaceful assembly. The reason given for this accusation was the propagation of "numerous false statements and innuendos" about Odinism in the Project Megiddo report.[30]

Assessing the Threat (December 1999)

On December 15, 1999 the Advisory Panel to Assess Domestic Response Capabilities for Terrorism Involving Weapons of Mass Destruction presented a report called Assessing the Threat to the President of the United States and to the United States Congress.[8] The report discusses the 1984 contamination of salad bars in Oregon by the Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh group, and the Aum Shinrikyo Sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway of 1995.[8] Both groups are referred to as cults in the report.[8]

The Advisory Panel was created through an Act of the United States Congress, Public Law 105-261 (H.R. 3616, 105th Congress, 2nd Section, October 17, 1998), and was directed to submit three annual reports to the President and the Congress, beginning in December 1999.[31] The Act of Congress establishing the Advisory Panel is titled Section 1405 of the National Defense Authorization Act for 1999.[31] The Advisory Panel was also referred to as the Gilmore Commission, after its chair former Governor of Virginia James S. Gilmore III.[32]


In France, Antoinism was classified as a cult in the 1995 parliamentary reports which considered it one of the oldest healer groups.[33] However, on 27 May 2005, the 1995 annex of the French report and cult classifications in which the Antoinist worship was listed, were officially cancelled and invalidated by Jean-Pierre Raffarin's circulaire.[34] Books published by Belgian and French anti-cult associations and activists sometimes included Antoinism in their lists of cults, such as Cults, State of Emergency — Better know them, better defend oneself in France and worldwide (Les Sectes, État d'urgence — Mieux les connaître, mieux s'en défendre en France et dans le monde), published by the Centre Roger Ikor,[35] and others.[36][37][38] In the early 2000s, membership of an Antoinist mother in Valenciennes was used by her former husband to remove from her the custody of their son; the decision received attention from media and was criticized by the French sociologist Régis Dericquebourg as being unjustified.[39][40][41] When heard by the Belgian commission on cults, philosopher Luc Nefontaine said that "the establishment of a directory of cult movements (...) seems to him dangerous, because it would also give a bad image of quite honourable organizations such as (...) Antoinism".[42]

In Belgium, the 1997 parliamentary report listed the Shri Ram Chandra Mission. This has been criticized by lawyer Lawrence Hincker, who said that "this system of meditation, called Sahaj Marg, does not lead to a life away from the world. It integrates all aspects of man, whether physical, mental or spiritual, without charge or austerity or penance or self-negation".[43] According to the sociologist Bruno Étienne, an expert on religious issues, the SRCM publishes books as any other group but does not proselytize, and has never been convicted: "To us, it is fully a NMR (new religious movement), modern religious group, although based on an ancient tradition, and subject to serious arguments advanced by others more knowledgeable, we do not understand why it is criticized on the list of the damned".[44] Raphaël Liogier, Director of the Observatory of religious and university professor at the Institut d'Études Politiques in Aix-en-Provence, said he did not understand the inclusion on the cult list of an association that is fully recognized in India.[45]


  1. ^ a b c Richardson, James T. and Introvigne, Massimo (2001). "'Brainwashing' Theories in European Parliamentary and Administrative Reports on 'Cults' and 'Sects'". Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 40 (2): 143–168. doi:10.1111/0021-8294.00046. 
  2. ^ a b Robbins, Thomas (2002). "Combating 'Cults' and 'Brainwashing' in the United States and Europe: A Comment on Richardson and Introvigne's Report". Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 40 (2): 169–76. doi:10.1111/0021-8294.00047. 
  3. ^ a b International Religious Freedom Report 2006 - Austria, released by the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, United States Department of State.
    "The vast majority of groups termed "sects" by the Government were small organizations with fewer than 100 members. Among the larger groups was the Church of Scientology, with between 5,000 and 6,000 members, and the Unification Church, with approximately 700 adherents throughout the country. Other groups found in the country included Divine Light Mission, Eckankar, Hare Krishna, the Holosophic community, the Osho movement, Sahaja Yoga, Sai Baba, Sri Chinmoy, Transcendental Meditation, Landmark Education, the Center for Experimental Society Formation, Fiat Lux, Universal Life, and The Family."
  4. ^ a b Enquête Parlementaire visant à élaborer une politique en vue de lutter contre les practiques illégales des sectes et le danger qu'elles représentent pour la société et pour les personnes, particulièrement les mineurs d'âge. Rapport fait au nom de la Commission d'enquête par MM. Duquesne et Willems. Partie II. [Parliamentary Inquiry with the aim of detailing a policy for combating the illegal practices of cults and the danger they represent for society and for people, especially minors. Report made in the name of the Commission of Inquiry by Messieurs Duquesne and Willems. Part 2.] available online -- bilingual report in French and Flemish, retrieved 2007-01-08.
  5. ^ a b c d "Doomsday Religious Movements", PERSPECTIVES, a Canadian Security Intelligence Service publication, Report # 2000/03, December 18, 1999. available online, last updated November 1, 2000.
  6. ^ a b French report, 1995, English translation, National Assembly of France, Parliamentary Commission report.
  7. ^ a b Rũhle (ed.), Anne; Ina Kunst (December 1997) [1994] (in German). "Sekten": Risiken und Nebenwirkungen: Informationen zu ausgewählten neuen religiõsen und weltanschaulichen Bewegungen und Psychoangeboten. [Cults: Risks and Side-effects. Information on selected new religious and world-view Movements and Psycho-offerings]. 1 (2nd ed.). Senatsverwaltung für Schule, Jugend and Sport. [Senate Administration for School, Youth and Sport]. Retrieved 2007-02-06. 
  8. ^ a b c d Advisory Panel to Assess Domestic Response Capabilities for Terrorism Involving Weapons of Mass Destruction (December 15, 1999) (PDF). Assessing The Threat: First Annual Report to The President and The Congress of the Advisory Panel to Assess Domestic Response Capabilities for Terrorism Involving Weapons of Mass Destruction. DIANE Publishing. pp. 18, 24, 26, 28, 38, 40, 46–51. ISBN 1428981128. 
  9. ^ Hon. S. B. MUTCH (November 24, 1992). "Kenja Cult". Parliament of New South Wales, transcript ( Retrieved 2008-08-10. 
  10. ^ Religious Freedom Report 1999, Austria, Section I. Freedom of Religion.
  11. ^ Religious Freedom Report 2000, Austria, Section I. Freedom of Religion.
  12. ^ Religious Freedom Report 2002, Austria, Section I. Freedom of Religion.
  13. ^ Religious Freedom Report 2003, Austria, Section I. Religious Demography.
  14. ^ Religious Freedom Report 2004, Austria, Section I. Religious Demography.
  15. ^ Religious Freedom Report 2005, Austria, Section I. Religious Demography.
  16. ^ Fautré, Willy (2002). "The Sect Issue in France and in Belgium" (PDF). Human Rights Without Frontiers Int.. Retrieved 2007-01-23. 
  17. ^ Human Rights Without Frontiers International: Human Rights in Belgium Annual Report (Events in 2005).
  18. ^ a b c d e Raffarin, Jean-Pierre (2005-06-01). "Circulaire du 27 mai 2005 relative à la lutte contre les dérives sectaires" (in French). JORF n°126 du 1 juin 2005 page 9751 texte n° 8. République Française. pp. 9751. Retrieved 2007-07-26. 
  19. ^ ASSEMBLÉE NATIONALE (1999-06-10). "Les sectes et l'argent [Cults and money"] (in French). République Française. Retrieved 3007-07-26. "La typologie de 1995 garde toute sa pertinence [The 1995 analysis remains totally relevant]" 
  20. ^ Fenech, Georges (2006-06-21). "RAPPORT FAIT AU NOM DE LA COMMISSION DES LOIS CONSTITUTIONNELLES, DE LA LÉGISLATION ET DE L'ADMINISTRATION GÉNÉRALE DE LA RÉPUBLIQUE SUR LA PROPOSITION DE RÉSOLUTION (n° 3107) DE M. VUILQUE ET PLUSIEURS DE SES COLLÈGUES tendant à la création d'une commission d'enquête relative à l'influence des mouvements à caractère sectaire et aux conséquences de leurs pratiques sur la santé physique et mentale des mineurs" (in French). République Française. Retrieved 2008-07-26. 
  21. ^ "TRIBUNAL ADMINISTRATIF DE CAEN N° 0500913" (in French) (PDF). Le Tribunal administratif de Caen, (1er Chambre). 2007. Retrieved 2008-07-26. "... un rapport établi par la commission d’enquête de l’Assemblée nationale classant les Témoins de Jehovah parmi les sectes, un tel rapport étant dépourvu de valeur Juridique ..." 
  22. ^ Cults, Religion & Violence 2002 ISBN 0-521-66898-0 5, (Listed as "Dangerous" by the French Parliamentary Commission (1996), also defined as "enemies of the state" in Greece, 1993).
  23. ^ a b Assemblée Nationale (1999-06-10). "Les sectes et l'argent {Cults and money"] (in French). République Française. Retrieved 2009-04-20. "enquête sur la situation financière, patrimoniale et fiscale des sectes, ainsi que sur leurs activités économiques et leurs relations avec les milieux économiques et financiers [inquiry into the finances, property and income of cults, as well as into their economic activities and their connections with economic and financial circles]" 
  24. ^ a b Assemblée Nationale (1999-06-10). "Les sectes et l'argent - Annexes {Cults and money - Appendices"] (in French). République Française. Retrieved 2009-04-20. "La Commission a choisi de sélectionner une trentaine de sectes (1) qui lui paraissent disposer d'une influence économique et d'un poids financier significatifs, et pour lesquelles elle a pu rassembler des informations qu'elle juge utile de rendre publiques. [The Commission chose to select some thirty cults which appeared to it to have significant economic influence and financial clout; and for which it could assemble information which it judged useful to publicise.]" 
  25. ^ Assemblée Nationale (1999-06-10). "Les sectes et l'argent - Annexes {Cults and money - Appendices"] (in French). République Française. Retrieved 2009-04-20. "La Commission tient donc à souligner le caractère non exhaustif des éléments figurant ci-après : le fait qu'une secte ne soit pas mentionnée ou qu'une rubrique la concernant ne soit pas renseignée ne signifie nullement qu'elle soit dépourvue de toute importance économique et financière. ... Il s'agit donc d'une photographie réalisée à un instant donné à partir des informations dont la Commission a pu avoir connaissance. [The Commission however underlines the non-exhaustive character of the data below: the fact that a cult gets no mention or that a detail concerning it remains unreported in no way signifies that it may lack any economic or financial immportance ... Thus it becomes a matter of a snapshot made at a given point-in-time on the basis of information which the Commission could take into consideration.]" 
  26. ^ The publishing history appears in:Rühle (ed.), Anne; Gudrun Seyffert (2002) (in German) (PDF). "Alles Sekte - oder was?": Konfliktträchtige Anbieter auf dem Lebenshilfemarkt religiöser, weltanschaulicher, psychologischer, therapeutischer und sonstiger lebenshelfender Prägung: Risiken und Nebenwirkungen. Anne Rühle. Senatsverwaltung für Bildung, Jugend und Sport. pp. 3. Retrieved 2008-07-26. "Der erste Bericht ist bis zum 31. Dezember 1994 dem Abgeordnetenhaus vorzulegen.“ Hierzu wird berichtet: Der erste Bericht ist mit Drucksache 12/4905 im Oktober 1994, der zweite Bericht mit Drucksache 12/2272 im Dezember 1997 vorgelegt worden. Zum vorliegenden Bericht wurde mit den Drucksachen 14/897 im Dezember 2000 und im November 2001 Zwischenberichte vorgelegt. Nunmehr wird erneut berichtet. Die Senatsverwaltung für Schule Jugend und Sport kommt dem Auftrag des Abgeordnetenhauses mit der Vorlage des in der Anlage beigefügten Berichts „Alles Sekte - oder was?“ Konfliktträchtige Anbieter auf dem Lebenshilfemarkt religiöser, weltanschaulicher, therapeutischer und sonstiger lebenshelfender Prägung Risiken und Nebenwirkungen nach." 
  27. ^ Suspect Organizations and Individuals Possessing Long-Range Fifty Caliber Sniper Weapons, United States House of Representatives, Committee on Government Reform, August 17, 1999., VI: Additional Cases: "Montana Doomsday Religious Cult - "Church Universal and Triumphant", Page 8.

    The GAO investigators found a 1989 case in Montana in which members of a "doomsday religious cult" had stockpiled many weapons, including several fifty caliber weapons. The cult is called the "Church Universal and Triumphant" (C.U.T.), and its leader is Elizabeth Clare Prophet. The cult was in the process of building underground bunkers to prepare for the end of the world. This investigation began because Ms. Prophet's and another cult member used birth certificates of deceased individuals to obtain driver's licenses so that they could purchase and stockpile weapons.
    In an ATF crackdown, agents found that the cult members had illegally acquired hundreds of weapons and thousands of rounds of ammunition. Among this stockpile was ten semi-automatic fifty caliber weapons purchased with false identifications. The cult members were convicted of illegally purchasing firearms. According to GAO, Ms. Prophet continues to lead the cult and was not charged in connection with these offenses.

  28. ^ a b c d Project Megiddo, FBI Strategic Assessment, October 20, 1999, retrieved 2007-07-03
  29. ^ "Project Megiddo" (PDF). FBI. pp. 4. Retrieved 2008-10-13. "The potential for violence on behalf of members of biblically-driven cults is determined almost exclusively by the whims of the cult leader." 
  30. ^ IAOA news release
  31. ^ a b Staff (December 15, 2003). Forging America's New Normalcy: Securing Our Homeland, Protecting Our Liberty. 5. Retrieved 2007-11-16. 
  32. ^ Staff (December 15, 2003). "News Release: GILMORE COMMISSION CALLS FOR IMPROVED HOMELAND SECURITY STRATEGY". RAND ( Retrieved 2007-11-16. 
  33. ^ "Rapport fait au nom de la Commission d'enquête sur les sectes — "Les sectes en France"" (in French). Assemblée Nationale. 1995. Retrieved 10 September 2010. 
  34. ^ "La fin des listes noires" (in French). Le Point (Paris: Artémis). 23 June 2005. Retrieved 10 September 2010. 
  35. ^ Ikor, 1995, pp. 45,46.
  36. ^ Lallemand, 1994, pp. 45—49.
  37. ^ Woodrow, Alain (1977) (in French). Les Nouvelles Sectes. Éditions du Seuil. pp. 52, 53. ISBN 2-02-005971-1. 
  38. ^ Ariès, Paul (2000) (in French). Les Sectes à l'assaut de la santé — Le pluralisme thérapeutique en danger. France: Golias. pp. 49, 50. ISBN 2-911453-89-1. 
  39. ^ Human Rights Without Frontiers (7 December 2001). "Antoinism: Divorce and Cults". Worldwide Religious News. Retrieved 12 April 2011. 
  40. ^ Kounkou, Dominique (2003). "Chapitre 2: Les enfants dans la tourmente "sectaire"" (in French). La religion, une anomalie républicaine?. L'Harmattan. pp. 93–102. ISBN 2-7475-4094-4. 
  41. ^ Régis Dericquebourg (2006). "[Interview of Regis Dericquebourg]" (in French). L'interview de Régis Dericquebourg. Centre d'Information et de Conseil des Nouvelles Spiritualités. Event occurs at 18:10. Retrieved 12 April 2011. 
  42. ^ "Rapport fait au nom de la Commission d'Enquête par MM. Duquesne et Willems (partie I)" (in French) (pdf). Chambre des Représentants de Belgique. 1997. p. 92. Retrieved 10 September 2010. 
  43. ^ Hincker, Laurent (2003) (in French). Sectes, rumeurs et tribunaux. La nuée bleue. 
  44. ^ Étienne, Bruno (in French). La France face aux sectes. p. 86. ISBN 2-01-235569-2. 
  45. ^ "Transcription intégrale de l'interview de Raphaël Liogier" (in French). Centre d'Information et de Conseil des Nouvelles Spiritualités. May 2006. Retrieved 4 August 2010. 

Further reading